Cancellation Policy

1. Order Cancellation

  • To cancel an order, please contact our customer service team at [email protected] as soon as possible.
  • Orders Not Yet Processed: If the order has not entered the production or shipping process, we will cancel the order and issue a full refund.
  • Orders Already Processed or Shipped: If the order has already been processed or shipped, cancellation is no longer possible. In such cases, our Return & Refund Policy will apply.

2. Change of Mind

  • If you decide to cancel your order due to a change of mind after processing, the order cannot be canceled. Instead, you may refer to our Return & Refund Policy to explore available options.

3. Incomplete or Incorrect Information

  • Providing complete and accurate information during checkout is essential for successful order processing.
  • If incomplete or incorrect information is provided:
    • We will contact you to correct the details.
    • If the issue cannot be resolved and the order cannot be processed, the order will be canceled, and a full refund will be issued.
  • If the order is processed with incorrect details, additional charges may apply for changes or reshipments.

4. Contact Information

For all order cancellations or inquiries regarding our cancellation policy, please contact our customer service team at:

We strive to deliver the best customer experience and accommodate order changes whenever possible. However, once an order has entered production or shipping, cancellations may not be guaranteed.

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